● 遠隔ヒーリングとは?What is "Distance Healing?"
→ 施術当日は、20分ほど一人で落ち着いて横になれる静かな場所を確保しておいてください。
→ 照明を暗めにするなど、リラックスを優先してください。水分を多めにとり、時間になったら横になってくつろいでいただき、ヒーリングを開始します。
You can receive healing either in person, or without seeing each other where a healer and a receiver are in distance. Try one-time complementary distance healing (for 20 minutes). No worries to provide your personal information. Contact me with your nickname through "Appointment / Inquiry." Let me know of your possible dates and times, so we can decide the date and time for free distance healing.
→ On the day of the healing, please save a quiet place where you can lie down and relax for about 20 minutes.
→ Give priority to relaxing by dimming the lighting and so on. When the healing time comes, take a lot of water, lie down, and we start healing.
● 私もできるようになりますか。特別な能力がある人ができるのですか。
Will I be able to do it too? Can someone with special abilities be able to do it?
Reiki Healing is an ability that anyone can do and is inherent to everyone. (You might have experienced that you feel safe and calm when you put your hand on your chest, or a stomach pain is reduced when you put your hand on yourself.)
● どこで学べますか。
Where can I learn?
I recommend the place where you can easily attend the seminars/study sessions. It is important to search in advance whether the attunement (or the seminar) is done in person, and follow up is properly provided after the seminar.
● 病気を治して欲しいのですが。
I want you to cure my disease.
Reiki healing is not a medical treatment, but it can be combined with a conventional treatment. In come cases, conventional treatment is not able to find the cause for your illness. It is a good idea to give Reiki a chance to heal you. Each person feels differently, and the effectiveness brought by Reiki varies. The immediate effect by Reiki may or may not be seen. If your symptoms are not improved, it is recommended to see your family doctor. (Some highly recognized Universities and hospitals have actively adopted Reiki. See also "Reiki in the world" page.)